Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), 2024

Research lines

Multicriteria Decision Making (MCDM)

Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (MAUT), Fuzzy MCDM, Preference Modelling, Interactive Methods, Approximation of the Efficient Set, Imprecision, Missing Consequences, Group Decision and Negotiation.
Leaders: Antonio Jiménez and Alfonso Mateos.

Metaheuristics-Based Optimization

Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, Tabu Search, Ant Colony Systems, VNS, PSO...
Leaders: Alfonso Mateos and Antonio Jiménez.

MCDM applications

Restoration of contaminated aquatic ecosystems, reusing domain ontologies, contracting of cleaning Services in public Transportation Companies, e-Democracy, airport security optimization...
Leader: Antonio Jiménez.

Prediction of risk of expansion of epidemics through the air transport network

Airport modelling, Aircraft modelling, Network modelling, Identification of actions to ensure that the imported risk in an airport/country is kept within acceptable bounds...
Leaders: Alfonso Mateos and Antonio Jiménez.

Big Data

Big data scientists and engineers, text mining, data mining, social network analysis, machine learning, organized crime rings...
Leader: Alfonso Mateos.

Simulation Methods

Montecarlo simulation (with applications in artificial intelligence, decision analysis and statistics), discrete event simulation...
Leader: Antonio Jiménez

Multivariate Ordinal Regression Models, Bayesian Multivariate and Ordinal Regression Models

Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction.
Leader: Arminda Moreno

Multiagent Systems. Collective Intelligence. Social Computing.

Leader: Josefa Hernández Diego

Economics and Artificial Intelligence

Economics, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Machine Learning, Economic Behaviour, Economic Patterns, Digital Revolution, Clustering, Robots, Algorithms, Future of Work.
Leader: Raúl G. Sanchis.

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Modelling and Simulation of Retinal Processes

Leader: Arminda Moreno.

Time Allocation

Economics of the Household, Household Production Models, Consumer Behavior, Time Use, Multitasking/Joint Production, Lifestyle, Digital Revolution, Unemployment/Employment, Housework, Work-Life Balance, Quality of Life, Wellbeingals.
Leader: Raúl G. Sanchis.

Behavioral Economics

Choice Overload, Consumer Behavior, Decision Making, Maximizers vs Satisficers, Utility Maximization Problems vs Heuristics, Experimental Economics, Public Good Games, Cheating, Multitaskingucts.
Leader: Raúl G. Sanchis.

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