Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM), 2024


Josefa Hernández Diego
Associate professor

Josefa Hernández Diego is associate professor in the Dept. of Artificial Intelligence of the Technical University of Madrid. She received a M.Sc. in Mathematics (1989) and Ph.D. in Computer Science (1998) from Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, respectively. Her main research interests include: intelligent agents and multiagent systems, collective intelligence and knowledge architectures applied to real world problem domains (traffic management, emergency management). Since 1991 she has been leading and participating in several research projects financed by European Commission research programmes (DRIVE, ATT, Telematics Applications, ESPRIT, IST), the Spanish administration (PROFIT) and private companies. Some of her papers have being published in different international journals including: Artificial Intelligence Communications, Expert Systems with Applications, Transportation Research, Applied Artificial Intelligence, International Journal on Human Computer Studies,....

email: phernan@fi.upm.es, josefaz.hernandez@upm.es

orcid: 0000-0002-5374-1457

researcherID: D-2268-2012

Scopus author ID: 35612122100

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